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the hero the villain

What started out as a novella, changed and evolved into a NA fantasy duology. It is split into two parts, the first the Hero and the second the Villain. Through these parts, the readers understand both sides of the twin siblings, Amar and Myah, and how they deal with the knowledge of being the reincarnations of powerful entities

This epic duology is filled with heartbreak, action, and friendship. It deals with acceptance, darkness, light, and family. Both Amar and Myah must keep their true intentions from the Order, the ones who raised them and broke them, one by one.

the manuscript of the hero

Amar's story begins with his death, finding himself floating in a Void of darkness. He's been killed, but death doesn't keep him for long. Amar must come to terms with his role in the Three Provinces, but with the Order constantly whispering in his ear even the Hero can be corrupted. The Order sees him as tool, Amar dead in their eyes, and all that remains is the Hero, their puppet. They force him commit unspeakable deeds and ultimately prepare him to end the Villain's life, his sister. But can Amar fight to save his family and himself?

the letters of the villain

Myah's story begins with learning the truth of the Order and how far they will go to ensure control over the Hero. She is locked in the Tower for five years and made into a weapon. Traveling through the Three Provinces, Myah finds a new family among her friends and challenges how people view darkness. But with the Order after her, Myah and her friends can't stop for a second. She struggles to try to control this energy inside her and, at times, is drowning in her own self-hatred. She wants to believe there's good inside of her, but it might be too late. It's kill or be killed. Which will Myah choose? 

the cast

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Myah is the Villain, the reincarnation of the entity Azrael. Like her brother she was raised on an island with the Order. She was the Order's "weapon". She is a skilled fighter and has mastery over the blade. Through her journey she finds people she can call her friends, but in the back of her mind she is terrified of what will happen to them when Azrael is unleashed. 

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The Scribe is the first friend the Villain choses to travel with her. He is a Scribesired, the magic wielders in the Court of Nature, and can translate the Language of the Gales. He is kind, intelligent, queer, and mortified by his past. Throughout the journey he tries to show the Villain there is light inside her even against the fact she is darkness. 

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Fallon is the Prince, a Golden Solidersired, the warriors in the Court of Crows. Being a skilled fighter, the Prince is on the front lines of a war he wants no part of. He escapes the war and retreats to a library, where his true passion lays. Although he does not want to fight, he will nock an arrow in his bow to defend his friends and boyfriend.

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Bear is an Erembour Lyzard, a creature made of darkness and shadows. The Three Provinces fear this creature since where it goes brings death and reaps souls. Although, the Villain did not see it as evil. Bear and the Villain earn each other's respect and they helps her in her journey.

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The Sage is a magic wielder whose hands are covered in blood. She got separated  from her family as a child and grew up on the streets, becoming a master of thievery and stealth. She takes a while to trust someone but once she does, she will lay her life down for her friends. 

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Amar is the Hero, the reincarnation of the entity Mayim. While his sister escaped the clutches of the Order, he had to stay behind and become his sister's equal. The Order wants the Villain dead, and the Hero is how they will do it, but the last thing Amar wants is to hurt his sister. Throughout his story he must decide who he should trust and who he should save.

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The Legionnaire is the leader of the Order. He believes his will and his leadership will save the provinces. Along with being a master swordsman, the Legionnaire is also a Sagesired, the magic wielders in the Court of Serpents. He is calm, poised, and will not tolerate repeating himself. He will do what needs to be done to rid the world of darkness and the Villain.

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The Golden Soldiersireds are an elite force, and the best among them are the Leonie Legion which is composed of four siblings: Erynne, Finley, Caden, and Keigan. They have sworn an oath to protect the Hero and train him. They are driven by a sense of honor and commitment.

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Cadmar is an Elder. He is wielder of magic, a Sagesired, and is regarded highly in the Order. A cloak hides his face and keeps darkness away from his soul. He aids the Hero in his training and journey, and prepares him to kill his sister, the Villain.

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Lizra Xylia is the heir to the Court of Nature. She is a Scribesired and able to communicate with nature and the Gales. While she is not a skilled warrior, she can disarm any situation with her words. She doesn't believe war will bring peace, but knows sometimes the means justify the ends. It is her life mission to resolve her province's involvement in the war.

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