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how to overcome writer's block

Hello humans! Even if you are an experienced writer, professional and well-known in your field, or if you’re a novice and just starting up, you will at one point encounter the dreaded writer’s block. In this blog post, I will give you some tips and strategies on how to deal with writer’s block and get back to doing what you love: writing!

What is writer's block?

It is when you are unable to think of what to write and how to proceed with writing. It’s when you sit down at a laptop or open a notebook and stare at the blank page for hours without a single drop of inspiration. You might think something’s wrong with you or ask “why can’t I just write this chapter?” Of course, there is nothing wrong with you, this lack of inspiration is your not-so-friendly-neighborhood writer’s block.

If you’re anything like this blogger, then perhaps you’ll get a cup of tea or something to eat, expecting to come back and start writing. But writer’s block is a fickle thing and you might come back and yet again be met with nothing, just cobwebs. For those of you who have experienced writer’s block, you will most likely groan and admit defeat like so many times before. But don’t fret, I'm here to help!

Tip one:

The best way to get rid of writer’s block is to write. Now you might be asking, “but Kimberly, that's the problem I can’t.” Oh but you can. Even if the writing is bad, you need to write. You can always go back and edit, but if you never get the words down then that’s not even a possibility. Sometimes writer’s block is brought about because of a lack of productivity. So, drag yourself out of your bed or off the couch and get to your desk or a café. Try:

-Writing sprints. Set a timer and a writing count goal and just start writing anything that comes to your mind.

-Open a new document or flip the page and tell yourself “I’m not allowed to stop writing” keep your fingers/pen moving. This will force your brain to come up with something, anything to fill the page. See how much you can write.

-Reread what you’ve already written and get inspiration from it. Most of the time I do this and I get a creative rush and end up writing pages and pages all because I reread.

Tip two:

So now what happens when you still keep writing and that’s not working? A trick that always helps me when I’m writing a story and I hit a wall is because the story isn’t fleshed out enough. If this is the case, I go back to the drawing boards. Try:

-World-build a little more, perhaps your magic system has flaws that are impacting the story or maybe you just haven’t fleshed it out enough yet. What about your government? Language? Culture? Transportation?

-Creating a timeline of your story, see how you get from point to point B. Try brainstorming how you'll get there.

-Look back at your outline (that is if you have one, if don’t, that might be the problem) and see what you had before and how it’s changed.

Tip three:

Now sometimes the story itself isn’t the problem. Maybe you have a perfectly detailed outline and all the rules of your magic system locked in. What could be the problem is you're just drained from writing that one story. If this is the case maybe take a break from that novel or series and work on something else. Try:

-Writing a poem

-Writing a short story

-Writing a screenplay

Just make sure you are writing and getting those gears moving. Writer’s block is a pain, but every writer has to deal with it. The most important thing to remember is that you can’t give up. Just keep going. Most of the time, writer’s block is caused by doubt, so give yourself some time if that’s what you need.

Till next time humans,

Kimberly D. Herbstritt


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