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plotter or pantser? what type of writer are you?

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Hello humans! Welcome back to my blog and today we will discuss what type of writer you are. There are two main types of writers the #teamplotters and #teampantser. Discovering which one you are will determine how you will write your novel dramatically.

Now no way is right or wrong, both are perfectly fine in their own respects. But you have to choose one for your book before you start writing. Even if you pick being a pantser I recommend you create a loose timeline of your story just so you understand where your book will be going and have a game plan.

You may be asking, “but Kimberly I don’t know how to pick? Which am I?”

Glad you asked, let's define what a plotter and pantser is, where I fall and why, and ask some questions on where you might fall.

What is a plotter?

A plotter is a writer who created detailed outlines for their novels. They might create character sheets for every single person in the story (even in the background). Plotters will know the ins and outs of their fantasy world and the magic system before even beginning to write a single word.

Which am I?

I’m more of a plotter than I am a pantser for multiple reasons. For my first ever book I didn’t outline at all, I followed a pantser approach which resulted in taking three years to write. Of course my second book I took a different path, plotting. And guess what it took me half a year.

Which are you?

-Are you organized? Yes - Plotter. No - Pantser

-Do you like outlining? Yes - Plotter. No Pantser

-How long do you want to take to write the book? Short - Plotter. Long - Pantser

-Do you like world-building? Yes - Plotter. No - Pantser

What is a pantser?

A pantser is a writer who starts writing without an outline or any plan. They fly at the seam of their pants. But this is what they love most about writing, seeing the story unfold as they create it.

Which am I?

Now don’t get me wrong as much as I loved outlining and the whole process of it, sometimes you just need to write your story. Sometimes plotting will only take you so far. I can’t count how many times my books have changed while I wrote them, and this is a good thing! It’s great! That’s what I love most about writing, you change, you evolve, and you get to see your world transform into something amazing.

Which are you?

-Do you like to plan? No - Pantser. Yes - Plotter

-Are you a go-with-the-flow type of person? No - Plotter. Yes - Pantser

-Do you have the patience for the process of outlining? No - Panster. Yes - Plotter

Till next time humans,

Kimberly D. Herbstritt


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Bair Klos
Bair Klos
Aug 12, 2020

1000% Panster, and I need to stop because holy lords my book is taking way too f*cking long

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