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hard truth of starting a novel

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Hello humans! Now writing, in my opinion, is one of the purest forms of communication. Writing is everywhere, you need to be a strong writer for everything: science, math, history, and you guessed it, English! Not only is it everywhere, but I believe it’s pure. There’s something special about sitting at my desk with just my computer and my imagination. It's simplistic. You can write anywhere, all you need is a pen and paper.

But writing a novel is hard. I won’t sugar coat it or lie, it’s probably one of the hardest things you can do for multiple reasons. When starting to write a book please remember this: it won’t be easy. At times you'll think "why the heck am I doing this?" or "why am I putting myself through this?" and there is always a possibility you will give up.

But if you don't, then the hard truth is you have committed yourself to your story. You have committed yourself, told yourself, that you will create something bigger than yourself. At times you'll scream, you’ll shout, and you’ll cry. You won’t get any sleep; no writer does, but as I said before writing is pure, and crafting a book is a rush, a sensation that nothing can copy.

Now, realizing writing a book is hard is the first step to start writing a book. Congratulations! You’ve begun your crazy writing journey and there’s no turning back now!

So what now?

What's next? You've committed. You've determined your story must be told. How to begin writing your book?

I wish there was a straight answer, but writing as a career is quite different from being a doctor or an engineer. There's no direct path, and you can go to college and take classes and try your hardest to learn everything you can, but everyone's journey is different.

Realize this. Accept it. Move on.

Now open a notebook. Take a pencil. Tell yourself you can't stop moving. Write down everything pertaining to your novel:

-Your characters

-The plot

-The story

-The world

-The genre

-Certain events and scenes

Write everything down. Brainstorm until the page is filled and chaotic and insane. This is what we want. This is writing, so simplistic and pure. If you do this, then you're on your way. Writing a novel isn’t easy, but I’ll tell you what it is: an adventure. You are crafting characters and stories the world could never dream of and you’re doing it from your mind.

Till next time humans,

Kimberly D. Herbstritt


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