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hello humans

Hello humans! Congratulations you have stumbled upon my writing blog and author website! My name is Kimberly D. Herbstritt, author, non-human, student, blogger, and plant mom. I am currently 19 years old and a student at the University of Iowa. Now writing blog posts is a daunting task for me; I've tried to successfully keep a posting schedule and failed multiple times. HOWEVER! I love sharing with the world my writing and tips to help them improve their skills, so here's to giving it another shot! Now by no means am I a professional, and the tips and tricks I will be sharing with you have helped me with my writing. And guess what, I'm going to make mistakes but all I ask is for you to stick around a little longer, and maybe you'll find something you like.

Now I’m going to be frank with you, I didn’t always love writing. Once upon a time, I hated English class. Of course, things changed, and look at me now I’m an indie author! I'm not a fast reader by any means which gave me trouble with learning during English class. It wasn’t until middle school that I wrote my first story. Since then I’ve watched videos, read articles, taken classes, and done anything I can to make myself better.

On Instagram, I post writing-related content and quick summaries of the writing tips I will be talking about on this blog. I want fellow writers to have quick information available. This blog will go into more depth about tips, tricks, and motivations and even provide strategies and exercises.

So join me on this journey as we help one another and grow as writers. In the end, that’s all that matters, not likes, follows, or views, but connections and improvements.

Comment a writing skill/tip you want to learn!

Till next time humans,

Kimberly D. Herbstritt


Want to learn more about my novels and projects or just stay updated on new writing topics for future blog posts? Then follow me on:

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1 Comment

Bair Klos
Bair Klos
Aug 02, 2020

Such an inspiration! You go girl! I'm so proud of you~ And SAME, I HATED English.. didn't help that my English teachers also hated me so.. Jokes on them since I persisted and working to finish my book. I hope to improve my prose.

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